Sunday, September 22, 2013

Introducing the Queen of Diamonds

Jenny contacted me through Model Mayhem with an interesting concept last year. It  has taken me a while to get these photos posted, but better late than never. I brought my studio equipment to her and this setup was put together in a spare bedroom. I made use of the existing walls and floor for some of the shots, as well as setting up different fabric backdrops on the opposing side of the room. Most of the shots used only two strobes with white umbrellas, with the occasional third light for accent lighting. 

Click here for the full post on Eden's Edge Studio

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Have Camera ... Will Travel

This summer, I moved out of my studio.

It was not something that I ever wanted to do.
I was simply unable to continue using that space, given my current budget.

I am not giving up on photography. I am also not selling off my studio equipment.

Given enough time and patience, I will be able to set up a permanent studio again in the future.

I am still scheduling portrait sessions, only now I have the opportunity to set up a portable studio in the homes of my clients. I have offered this service in the past, and have been able to provide beautiful results. For those unfamiliar with this idea, I bring a background support with a fabric backdrop to set up in your home. I then set up several battery operated lights to create an in-home studio for you.

I also shoot outdoor portraits in natural light as well as natural light enhanced with battery powered strobes. There is nothing quite like having your portrait shot outdoors with the addition of controlled light that  allows you to be part of your surroundings. When shooting with natural light by itself, you tend to get backgrounds that are blown out, or silhouetted portraits. With battery powered strobes, I can balance the light to bring you into your environment instead of separating you from it.

An additional service I have recently begun offering is lessons in photography lighting either as a studio setup, or learning on location. I will share my knowledge with you to help you understand the basics that took me years to understand. There are so many circumstances that can cause your camera to misinterpret the existing light, and a pop-up flash is not always the best solution. I can provide insight from my years of experience to help you eliminate bad exposures and improve your next photographic outing.